Dr. Joy Wilson graduated with a Bachelor’s of Mechanical Engineering from The University of Akron and a Medical Degree from The Ohio State University. She completed her medical residency at Memorial Hermann-Southwest Hospital and found her place in Family Medicine. Dr. Wilson has practiced family medicine to both private practice and community care settings. She enjoys taking a holistic and functional approach to treating patients. When she is not helping patients, Dr. Wilson enjoys spending time with her husband, two children and two dogs.
What lead you to your career?
Medicine was not my first calling. As a child, and even today, I enjoyed figuring out how things function — specifically mechanical systems. Due to this interest, I majored in Mechanical Engineering. Then, during my college years, a few family members became ill. I felt that they never received the information they needed and the options explained to them clearly. The plan for their care seemed limited, and it unfortunately led to poor outcomes. This turned my interest to medicine. I wanted to understand and appreciate the human body and find ways to simplify medical information for patients. I believe that when you understand the reasoning behind preventative care, it will help you avoid injury and maintain good health.
What interests and passions do you have outside of work?
I really enjoy just learning and sharing new information with anyone who is interested. I also love spending time with my husband, two children and two dogs. I also bake; I often take baking recipes and make modifications with ingredients that are packed with antioxidants, like matcha and cacao. Recently I’ve been interested in using dried shiitake mushrooms in baking too. I don’t think it has to be used only in cooking. Finally, I appreciate music and listen to a variety including electronic, 80s, top 40 hits, bluegrass, and even children’s music stations.
What advice do you give your patients during the cold and flu season and how do you stay healthy during this time?
I strongly believe in the power of our thoughts and feelings on our bodies. I think it is important to be conscious of our bodies when we do feel well, and when we get sick and symptoms develop, we should keep in mind that we will get better soon. Unless someone has fluid restrictions, I recommend people drink a lot of water, like a gallon (128 ounces) if you are an adult. Taking Vitamin C also helps because when we get sick our level of Vitamin C and fluids can be low. Get a lot of rest and sleep, including quiet time for yourself. Before things become stressful, take these preventative measures including eating a fruit and vegetable with each meal — including breakfast!
Dr. Joy Wilson has been a physician with Doctor On Demand by Included Health since 2017. Learn more about Dr. Wilson on LinkedIn.
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