Wondering if you may have a skin condition or infection? Doctor On Demand physician Dr. Elisabeth Farnum shares symptoms of the top common skin conditions and how they may be treated.
An inflammatory skin disease that causes redness, dryness, oozing, crusting, and skin thickening. Eczema is triggered by bathing in hot water, low humidity environments, stress, and dry skin. Treatment for Eczema includes topical anti-inflammatories, moisturizing skin, and antihistamines to control itching.
A bacterial infection of the skin that include symptoms such as redness, swelling, fevers, and occasionally pus under the skin. Cellulitis is caused by anything that makes the skin break such as chafing, blisters, insect bites, or trauma. Cellulitis can be treated by taking antibiotics.
A rash affecting the central face and sometimes the eyes. Symptoms for rosacea include redness, bumps, pimples, small visible blood vessels, and thickening of the skin. The cause of rosacea is not well understood and is not curable but avoiding triggers such as too much sun exposure, temperature extremes, hot beverages, spicy foods, and alcohol can help keep it under control. Prescription skin products and medications can help decrease redness and SPF is recommended to be used daily.
Ringworm is not an actual worm but a fungal skin infection. It is a dry, red, flaky patch that can be circular or oval. Often the patch is clear in the center like a ring, but can be solid. Ringworm is caused by a break in the skin such as chafing or scratching. A topical antifungal medication can be used to help treat the infection.
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that can be associated with other health conditions such as arthritis and vascular disease. Psoriasis can be caused by genetic factors and a overactive immune system. Common symptoms include thick skin, red patches, and silvery scales on skin. Treatments for Psoriasis are topical steroid creams, light therapy and oral medications for more serious cases.
Genetic, hormonal factors as well as diet can contribute to the development of acne. Sebaceous glands enlarge with puberty, creating more oil, which increases bacteria. This can block skin pores, creating comedones (whiteheads). If these stretch open, the exposure to the air causes the substance to turn black (blackheads). If they rupture it increases inflammation, which allows papules and nodules to form. Mild acne can respond to OTC medications and changes of diet, while more severe acne can benefit from medications recommended by a doctor.
If you think you may have skin conditions or infections, our Doctor On Demand physicians can help you understand your skin issue and provide a recommended treatment plan if necessary.
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